Monday 6 October 2014

Character production

Character concept.

Brain storm

This is what I first did to find an idea, for my character, I did a brainstorm of different ideas, where I came up with the idea to create a butcher, an angry character from a game, if he was a game character his background would be him being a boss and then you as the player you would hunt him down and destroy him, he has a large clever and rugged clothes, but he looks after himself to a point. his bio then has come from the traits and personality which has he. angry, poor orphan, confused, these traits all create this character vibe and give him emotion. You do not feel for him but, you want to see him. 

I have collected a bunch off images, and they are from films and TV series which relate to my character. They show different types off a psychos, some have two separate lives and then others are just off there head.  

This character is called Dexter from the TV series Dexter. He was a character working for the Miami police department, he was a blood expert, but in his spare time he takes the streets and selects victims which have done wrong to people, so he killed ex convicts and murders etc. He isn't a large man but is clever and can get the job done.

This character is played by Christian Bale in American Psycho. His character bio was he worked for a large accounting company, but in his spare time he would kill anyone in anyway he could, even though he kept it quiet he was more off psycho in the sense that he would kill people in the streets and leave them there instead off being careful and disposing off bodies.

Freddie and Jason, they are both characters from different films but then bought together and had a fight in Freddie Vs Jason, but they are two different villains, Jason was a large angry character who used brute force and power, and didn't think much into schemes, unlike Freddie who thought about stuff before he killed, he was a dream killer but would use a characters fears against them instead off causally butchering them like Jason would off.

So these two different evil characters, both have a different way off doing something but are both effective characters, which are designed to strike fear into the audience.

Anthony Hopkins played Hannibal Lecter and he was a character which also used his brain and hacked people up but he also cooked them up and eat them.

Then there was The Joker who was played by Heath Ledger and his character was the arch nemesis off Batman, He was a psycho in a sense off he loved to just blow stuff up and kill people, the Joker was and still is one off the best characters in the films and comic books. He was thin and slim, and still a very effective villain.

But in all from films or games, psychos have come in all forms and different sizes. Some can be a large brute which kills people from nothing but being angry and being massive and brute force helps them but then some are clever and have weird little schemes.

Kane from WWE in see no evil.


All of these psychotic film characters have been played well, I have gone for the brute force from Kane in the film see no evil, but then all of the characters have the strange wide eyes so i will use that from them and apply it to my own character, Dexter clothing is something that i liked the look off, the apron look has suited my character very well.

Selection of weapons 

A butcher tool is normally is a meat clever as that is most effective when cutting through
 bone and flesh so I have chosen to use this for my character as has that role.

Kitchen Knives collection.
These are silhouettes off my character design, I have done 5 different character bodies and then copied them and but on items off clothing. 

The character with the green circle round is a character concept that just doesn't look right for the character concept that i'm going with, so then I then went with the character highlighting in yellow and then after putting clothes on him i changed his body slightly and then the blue that I did first was slightly to big but even though he was smaller, and then then one highlighted in red is the more finished body shape to what im thinking off doing, it has a large pot belly but then a thin top half. 
The character will be a thin surprising arch nemesis type character who has a lot off intelligent ideas about how to butcher someone.

These are a quick couple off sketches on different sizes. They show the different body shape ideas before i came up with the final one which was the broader shoulders and a large over weight belly, but with that it slightly changed to a character with a double chin, and large chubby arms and legs.
The character looks a lot better as large character as he is a slow sluggish boss character.

These are concept shots of my character. They show the character from different perspectives. These rough shots show the colour scheme of the character and what he will look like.

These 3 images are some other rough designs to what the character could look like and what he could wear.

The black and white image was just plain paper and pencil and then i went over the colours with water colour and then i flicked red paint on to the apron to create the blood splatter effect.

This shot is of the character and he is at a finished stage of what size he is and what weapon he will be holding, He will have an old style top without a collar, and then welly boots which are east to wash blood off, and then old trousers which are dark and plain. Then he will be wearing a hat and apron covered in blood. 

Here is a orthographic shot of my character.

This is the digital version of my final piece of art work, this is an A3 sized image.

Character background

Name : Jack

Age : 32 

Bio : Grow up in a bad town, called Billstown, a  town full of corruption and death, Jack, was a small boy who grow up in a children home and he was kicked to the streets when he was 16 and then he got bullied and beaten up while living on the streets. 
After his distraught, he became confused and starting killing everyone as he blamed the world for his misfortune and then he went on to constant killing of people, he took it upon himself to move into an abandoned slaughterhouse and make his presence there known, he wonders the streets looking for people to kill to fill his thirst. 
When he gets found out a young detective seeks him out and then they go toe to toe as they fight each other, but Jack the Butcher has his slaughterhouse covered in traps and weird looking ornaments, like peoples heads on a stick and peoples corpse stuck onto to the walls and the fridges and are covered with animal and human meat which are hanging on the hooks through out the large building.    

Character 3D modelling stage. 

This is the stage where I have begun to make the model in 3ds Max, he has had clothes made for him. The apron and the meat clever are separate objects. The hat he is wearing is extruded from top of the models head and will always be attached to him.